This song is from the beginning, when Klenginem used to make a mix of Hip-Hop, rap, and Techno-music. What makes this song special, is the fact that the Klingon lyrics are a one-to-one translation of the original song, and do not just fit its melody.
[listen to sample]
chaq QonglaHbe' tlhIngan SuvwI'na' pov
'a chID neHbe' ghaH net Sov
DaH jIQonglaHbe' 'e' vIghov
mubelmoH Hovmey 'ach DaH munuQtaH maSwov
jIQonglaHbe' jay'
rejmorgh vIDapu'
Dal wanI'vam net Sov
tlhIngan DaSpu' vISay'moH
chaq muQongchoHmoH waqwIj moH
Do' Ha' Qapbe' Dujmaj
Qapbe' wovmoHmeH jan
DaHjaj jIQonglaHbe'
DaH jInajtaHvIS parmaqqay vIngagh
'e' vIruch reH vIneH net Sovbe'
nuqDaq 'oH 'Iw HIq HIvje''e'
jIDoy' maHDaq SIStaHvIS
tagha' jIQongchoHlaHnIS
baQa' jay' - toDSaH
tugh tagh mu'qaD veS
jIleSchoHchu' vIneHbej
leSchu'pu' yIH 'IH
chaq DumISmoH
'a DaH jImISqu'ba' jIH
rInchoH ram
bom mu' vImughbogh vIbomchu'
So'wI' yIchu'
DaH jIQong vIneH jIH - Hm
'a DaH bIchuS
DaH jIQonglaHbe'
'uSu' Sopbe'qu' 'uSgheb
'ej HISlaH:
QongDaq qaq law' neSlo' qaq puS
jIQonglaHbe' jay'
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